ACR123s para pagos EMV

Kit de desarrollo ACR123s para pagos EMV
El Kit ACR123s esta específicamente desarrollado para aplicaciones de pagos EMV compatible con los estándares de pago de MasterCard®, Visa, EMV nivel 1 y EMV nivel 2.
Comprehensive SDK—The ACR123S Intelligent Contactless Reader SDK enables the ACR123S to be used and integrated to various POS Terminals. The ACR123S supports Master Card PayPass, VISA payWave, and other ISO 14443 cards. This SDK provides sample codes for device and contactless card programming for MS Visual C++, MS Visual C#.NET, WinCE Embedded Visual C++, and Linux GTK C++. The ACR123S runs using RS232 protocol with an RJ45 connector, and this SDK package includes a RJ45-DB9 adapter, to allow the developers to use the reader (connected via serial port) and software with a PC.
Payment Demo—The ACR123S SDK provides a demo for the payment functionalities of the ACR123.By using the JCOP cards provided, which emulate a valid (non-expired card) and invalid card (expired card), the demo shows the various responses of the payment kernel loaded in the ACR123 to different payment scenarios. The SDK also has a manual to explain the various payment functionalities of the ACR123.
Smart Card Reader(s)
1 x ACR123S Intelligent Contactless Reader
Test Card(s)/ Token(s)
3 x ACOS3 Contactless Smart Cards
3 x ACOS6-SAM Secure Access Module Card
2 x JCOP Cards emulating a PayPass Card
1 x RJ45-to-DB9 cable (*)
SDK Operating System Support
Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win CE 5.0, Linux Ubuntu 13
Win XP x64, Win Vista x64, Win 7 x64, Win 8 x64, Linux Ubuntu 13 x64
Demo Programs: PayPass Demo
Sample codes: Demonstrates basic commands used to communicate with the cards and readers
Available in the following programming languages: MS Visual C++, MS Visual C#.NET, WinCE Embedded Visual C++, Linux GTK C++